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Becoming the face of your brand

Personal Branding

Becoming the face of your brand, to quote a certain song “this is me”. I’m a Chelmsford Photographer, a mother, a business woman, a girlfriend and many more things besides. Yet as a potential client you must see all these facets of my personality and my style through my brand photography. But most importantly you must be able to garner all this information in an instant. In this busy and saturated market place you need to quickly see if I’m the photographer for you.


Trusting your photographer

I have always tried to maintain an honest and authentic portrayal of who I am. It’s not always easy, I’m my own worst critic but I feel it’s important to accept my own image when I’m asking my clients to be accepting of theirs. Becoming the face of my own brand has to be a central part of my unique business, people must connect with me because photographing people involves a big amount of trust. They have to trust me and be sure I will offer up the best version of themselves. A version they will be happy to look at for years to come in photographs that will be dotted all around their home.

My brand photographer

This is why I chose Charlie of Farlie Photography when I wanted to be more visible in the face of my brand. She is an incredibly creative human, fab photographer and all round lovely person. I knew she would make me feel at ease. As a child I loved being in front of the camera but as an adult I’ve been happy to shy away from it. Like most mums I’m always the one taking the photographs, so as a family it’s vital we have our own family shoots so I get to be present in our family story. Equally I must be present in my brand story. People buy from people. So here I am. This is me, becoming the face of my brand! If you are new to my story, I hope you enjoy it. It’s real, honest, beautifully imperfect and all mine.

More Blogs

To read more of my honest blogs why not head to the blog section of my website. “I became a Quitter in pursuit of having it ‘all'” is my very first blog ever. It’s a hugely emotional and personal blog all about my career transition from TV to photography and how I saved myself from an emotional breakdown. It’s a lesson to us all that we can do anything but not everything! My motto to live by is now “You cannot pour from an empty jug”.

Kind words

I’d also LOVE to hear your thoughts on my shiny new website, it’s taken love, blood, sweat and tears. Big thanks to the incredible Lucie of Lucie Selby Designs for her creative energy and positivity. I couldn’t have done it again without you. We make a pretty great team!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read.

Please before you go I would love to hear your comments on my rebrand and this blog, please click below in the comments section. Your feedback makes a huge difference to me and it means the world to my little biz.

Kika x


  1. Lucy Heighton

    I love your new website. I’m still rifling through it but I love the words, the pastel shades (obvs), the passion and the pics! They are fab pics and youve got a great variety on here for all to see. Love it love it

    • Kika

      Thank you so much Lucy, this is amazing feedback, thanks for taking the time to have a look around x


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