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Emily Norris, YouTube Vlogger Mama Extraordinaire, Family Photoshoot {Brentwood, Essex}

Blogging, Children, Family, Newborn, Vlogging

It’s not every day a YouTube Vlogger extraordinare asks you to photograph her headshots and also her family portraits. Emily Norris has 32,532 subscribers on her channel and has had 3,497,193 views. Plus, she’s the trusted face that global brands choose to represent their products. (EEK. No pressure then!) She started vlogging (like blogging but straight to camera rather than pen to paper) as a way to share her experience of being a mother whilst recording her children growing up.

Photographing someone in Emily’s business who already knows her brand so well is brilliant for me as Emily trusts my vision as a photographer. She is her brand, plus her viewers love her because she is honest and real. So this meant her headshots and family images should reflect this. This was my lucky day. 

Watching Emily on her videos I’d envied her flawless skin and easy going nature, to be honest who wouldn’t. Now I was going to meet her in the flesh, I was sure she’d be every bit as gorgeous.  You only have to watch her videos to know the camera absolutely loves her.

But what I didn’t expect was that she’d be even more gorgeous, more relaxed and more lovely than I imagined.

Emily and her lovely husband Matt have three brilliant boys, Fraser, Caleb and newest member of the household is little Jackson. From the word go, it’s obvious their home is fuelled by love and laughter. And this comes across in all the shots we captured on a crisp Sunday morning in the Norris household. I even managed to snap little Caleb who is the quickest camera escapee in Essex. Mission accomplished. Obviously, because of Emily’s job they are all quite used to the camera so my job was to actually make them forget I was there. So our shots are relaxed and natural. Emily and Matt make parenting 3 young boys look so easy. Thanks so much for inviting me to hang out with you all, you made me feel so welcome I didn’t want to leave.

If you haven’t already checked out Emily’s videos make sure you do, click here for her YouTube channel. Just like when I visited her house, Emily makes you feel so welcome as a viewer, you too won’t want to leave. So make yourself comfortable, settle down with a cuppa or better still a glass of vino and enjoy…

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