Portraits of Motherhood, the beautiful heartbreak.
TRUTH BOMB! You will never be as young or as beautiful as you are now! Does that sound too harsh – tell me if so? But, if you are worried about having your photograph taken, then please just think about the future. The future when you try to look back and reminisce but can’t because you don’t have any photos, prints, keepsakes or albums because you were too worried about how you would look to let anyone capture your image. Your children deserve to see you in the ir family story, it’s their legacy so please be part of it. I’ll be gentle I promise. Just imagine having images like this to treasure forever. I’d love to hear from you if you dread having your photograph taken, let me see if I can help the process?
The power of photographs.
MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS. A lie in, loo break alone, no questions for a day, vegetables eaten, no squabbling? What about a PHOTO SHOOT GIFT VOUCHER? We are never in the family photos are we? I get it, I’m a mum too and the only way I feature in my family photos is by paying a professional I love and trust. That way I know I will love what I see and be part of my own love story. Easy peasy Gift Voucher squeezy!
My why.
Looking back on my photography career I can see that 80% of my work is focused on mothers and their children. It’s why I picked up my camera in the beginning. I had an obsession with documenting every tiny detail so it could exist in physical form for years to come, so I could never lose anything about their childhood. And it’s still the reason I pick up my camera today.
All of my images have depth, intimacy serenity and a vulnerability. I also wanted there to be love, messy love, with hands needing attention and yearning that is real. They also have layers and texture of old fashioned photographs, a painterly composition and yet they needed to be true to my style.
I really hope you like them too and this blog has resonated on some level.
If you want to see these images as larger photos simply click on them individually.
And lastly, there is no perfect time to book a photoshoot, there is only now. Your children will soon be grown and you will be older. Let’s capture some beautiful memories to grown old with you.
Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear your comments.
Love Kika x