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When wardrobe and decor are the perfect combo.

Family, Motherhood, Stories of Love

Nailing the neutrals!

When wardrobe and decor are the perfect combo. When your shoot wardrobe beautifully compliments your decor the results can be stunning! Lauren is a stylist so as you can see she has an eye for tones and looks but the caramel vibes of this incredible location made for a dreamy shoot!
But, even with the most adorable models and a jaw dropping location the plan can still go to pot where children are concerned.

On the day of the shoot little Fiora was poorly so I did the first shoot it was just with Lauren and 3 year old Lucia. However, because my signature style works so effortlessly with Lauren’s gorgeous home you really can’t tell that we shot the children on 2 different days. And that my friends is why you hire a professional. So I can use my signature look, edit style and eye for detail to create a synergy between the 2 shoots.

Oh and please don’t ever be afraid to go matchy matchy – your children will only let you do this for a certain period of time so I urge you to go for the cute factor, it looks amazing in pics and is just adorable!

Wardrobe wins.

I understand not everyone is a stylist and not everyone’s home looks like Lauren’s, but with my handy hints and my pre shoot style guide I will help you create the right look for your shoot. Whether we are outside or at your home or someone else’s, with a little bit of planning we can make sure whatever you wear makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. That is the main aim of our time together, we want you to relax so the love and light of the relationships around you shine through. The goal is that your personality and the twinkle in your eye to be what sparkles in your pics. I want you to recognise the version of yourself that you see.

I want you to feel SEEN.

Please remember there is no perfect time for a shoot and curveballs will always get thrown but these little people will only carry on growing and we will also age, so let’s capture our little lives now. Now is the perfect time.

For a friendly chat to find out if I’m the right photographer for you, why not get in touch today by leaving me a comment. I love a chat and that way you can see if we connect.

Love Kika x

To follow Lauren and all her fab style tips please click here for her Instagram feed. 


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