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You are the perfect Mother’s Day gift

Blogging, Family, Motherhood, Stories of Love

You are the perfect Mother’s Day gift.

No really, you really are, you are the gift that keeps on giving.
So let’s think about you for a moment…what would you REALLY like for your Mother’s Day?
A day off?
To be alone?
A lie in?
Dinner planned, prepped and presented to you?
No tantrums for a day?
Beautiful portraits you love that will make you cry happy tears?
Well I want too, to give you the chance to see you as others see you.

So step up Mama it’s your turn. I’ve created a shoot that is all about you.

These sessions are designed for you and to celebrate you. No dads allowed I’m afraid, it’s just you and the children. I want you to gift yourself the chance to be photographed beautifully, romantically and authentically. My goal is that these images of yourself will give you the chance to see yourself as others see you and I hope that is kind and fully present. See them as a rare present to yourself.
Really seeing yourself up close and personal often requires kindness and self acceptance, it can be hard to gaze on our own image. It’s hard work to see past our own body issues. I get it, I really do. As a photographer I have to have headshots taken and I practice what I preach and have regular family shoots, but I won’t pretend I always love seeing myself. But I’m so glad that when I’m no longer here I’ve left my children a legacy. It’s one less thing to feel guilty about I guess.  Even if it means you never look at these images but know they are there to reach for when you are ready and your children are grown. I know that all sounds very heavy, but leaving a legacy is a important job. You can’t just hand down your old iPhone and say “here’s your childhood iCloud album”.

Anyway back to you.

We are always so self critical. Looking for things we wish we could change or alter about ourselves. There are pounds to lose, wrinkles to fear. But your children don’t see all those tiny things. They see you, just you. They see your eyes lighting up as you gaze at them, they see you holding them tightly with pride. They see all the connection, belonging and safety that is between you. Basically all they see is your love. It’s pure and it deserves to be captured.

Don’t hold off from documenting your story because of your hang ups.

That’s not fair. It’s a proven fact that you children’s self esteem can be boosted from seeing their own image. It helps them see how important they are and what tethers them to their family. I truly believe photographs only increase in value. Children are constantly growing and moving forward, will the sole purpose of finding independence from us. When they are fully grown and embarking on their own adventures, it would be such a shame to wish you had taken more photographs.

And incase you think this is a shameless plug for myself (which is kind of is). What I actually mean just take any photographs, selfies, phone pics, just take the frikkin photo and PRINT THEM! I often find it’s the most beautiful women who tell me they simply cannot abide having their photograph taken. It’s such a weird irony. And In all honestly we will never be as young or as beautiful as we all are right now. The only time we really have is now, so bravely grab your chance to photograph your now in all it’s glory.

Dates and Price

Shoots are 30 minutes.
5 Digital files and 5 5×7″ prints.
Private barn in Roxwell which has THE most incredibly flattering light.
Price £220
(Chance to upgrade after the shoot)


Shoots dates are:
Saturday 12th March
Sunday 13th March

To book your shoot please leave a comment below in the comments section or drop me an email.
Please note there is limited availability and these shoots go very quickly so get in touch soon to book yours.
Love Kika x


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