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Emmeline’s 3rd Birthday Party {Family & child photography Essex}

Emmeline’s 3rd Birthday Party {Family & child photography Essex}

Emmeline is celebrating her 3rd birthday! Would I be able to photograph her birthday party? A beautiful little girl with a name I adore, there was no question, you couldn't keep me away!  There was even a little baby Rafferty at her party too, this was a sign, the...

Beside the seaside  {Family photography shoot Chalkwell Beach Essex}

Beside the seaside {Family photography shoot Chalkwell Beach Essex}

One sunny Friday in July the gorgeous Tremain family invited me to do a family photography shoot at their local favourite family spot Chalkwell Beach. The smallest member of the family Finn, couldn't have made me feel more welcome. On arrival he told me I was his best...

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Your happy place

Your happy place

The first thing I ask my clients is how do you want to be photographed?   the next question has to be where is it set, where is the location? What does it say and represent to you all? In my opinion the best place for a shoot is in your happy place.  My family’s happy...

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